How does one introdude herself ?
You would like to think that that would be an easy task,; At 50 you are pretty much expected to know everything there is to know about your interests, your favourite vegetable , your sexual preference and writers and musicians you adore. I do know all these things. Art and textiles are my passion. I am in the lucky position that I can totally indulge myself in the MA course I just started and will dominate the next eighteen months of my life. I like sprouts. And they are on the menu tonight. I have been married for the last 23 years to the love of my life, which is a man, and so I can wholeheartedly say I am heterosexual.
Bach and Snowpatrol can reduce me to tears.On the writersfront I forget the world when I read Neill Williams, Jan Wolkers or Thijs Vermeulen. Daphne du Maurier is high on the list too.
So far so good. But what about hair colour ? I can use any colour to cover the greys, I might be a brunette one day , a red head the next. For now I am blond, and if I would follow my mothers advice, i should get it cut nice and short, and dye it much darker. A bit like herself , now I come to think of it. So Ill stay with too blond and perhaps too long and unkept for the moment. There s time yet to change into my mother.
What about religion? Brought up in a very strict dutch reformed household, i had no choice but believe in a God who was the punishing type, especially and foremost when the fourth commandmend was disobeyed.
'Gedenk de sabbatdag, dat gij die heiligt, zes dagen zult gij arbeiden en al uw werk doen, maar de zevende dag is de sabbat van de Here, uw God;Gij zult dan geen werk doen,gij noch uw zoon, noch uw dochter, noch uw dienstknecht, noch uw dienstmaagd, noch uw vee, noch de vreemdeling die in uw stede woont. Want in zes dagen heeft de Heere de hemel en de aarde gemaakt, de zee en al wat daarin is, en Hij rustte op de zevende dag;daaron zegende de Heere de sabbatdag en heiligde die'. A rather longwinded explanation of why I had to put my life on hold one day a week. 'Gij zult niet doodslaan' is a much more compact command and yet, in my humble opinion much more relevant to the well being of one self and your fellow human beings.I do obey the latter one, the first one not so much, to speak with Borat, one of my favourite films, incidently.
O dear. This introduction is getting way too long, and I havent even scratched the surface of who I really am.
But since this is a sunday, I better stop writing, just in case.
Tomorrow is another day. Now I have started (Thanks Katrijn, eldest daughter 28, doesnt know weather she wants to get married or to travel) there is no way back!